Overcoming Information Overload & FOMO

Overcoming Information Overload: My Journey to Focusing on What Matters

Like many of you, I grew up with the internet. Information is easier than ever to find and consume, but my struggle as an adult hasn’t just been processing this information — it’s been holding onto it and eventually putting it to use. I followed a common pattern for storing information:

  • Bookmarks
  • “Read Later” apps (like Pocket & Instapaper)
  • Note-taking apps (Evernote, OneNote)
  • Kindle Highlights

What I was really doing was collecting information out of a sheer fear of missing out. I wanted to learn the latest trends in technology, read the best books, watch the hottest new YouTube videos, and dive into fresh blog posts. The list goes on. I kept collecting, driven by FOMO, in the hope that one day I’d stumble across that one article, that one book, or that single piece of information that would make a difference in my life. But I never made it through even half of what I saved. Eventually, just looking at my “Read Later” list became overwhelming. The books on my “To-Read” shelf made me choke with anxiety, a constant reminder that I was falling behind with so much to catch up on. I was trapped in the hustle mentality, racing to stay up to date.

One day, it hit me: the internet is an infinity pool. These pools of information never run dry, and we can dip into them whenever we want. There’s no such thing as “catching up” with all that’s out there; it’s an endless cycle. Consuming content is one thing, but it felt like I needed an extension of my brain just to keep hold of it all.

I realized something important: I was great at collecting information but terrible at reflecting on it, sharing it, or making sense of it. I’d been waiting for some magic moment of discovery, all without putting in the effort to focus on the knowledge I already had.

So, I made a few changes to free my mind from this constant restlessness:

  • I stopped mindlessly consuming content and shifted to a more conscious approach, carefully choosing what I read.
  • I limited my use of social media apps on my phone.
  • I only saved new information if it truly resonated with me.
  • I started this blog, a place to share my learning and connect with others on a similar path.

There’s always new information and discovery every day, but we have only so much time. Instead of constantly hustling for more, I’ve begun to dig deeper into the few things that matter most to me. This small change has had a huge impact. In a short period of time, I’ve managed to:

  • Be more productive.
  • Quell that restless feeling — it’s been liberating!
  • Find the one thing I truly love doing and care about.

As I continue this journey of liberation from information overload, I hope this blog captures my experiences and helps me connect with like-minded people along the way.